
Regarding myself


With over 4 years of experience in Mobile App Development, I excel in Kotlin for Android and Swift for iOS. I am also adept at utilizing Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI for streamlined Mobile UI design.

In my professional toolkit, I leverage Firebase Cloud Messaging, Cloud Firestore, and Firebase Authentication. Utilizing Postman for API testing, while Retrofit and URLSession enable CRUD operations and backend communication in Android and iOS development, respectively.

Throughout my academic journey in UAB, I served as a Teaching Assistant for various courses, imparting valuable knowledge to numerous students and fostering a deep understanding of Computer Science concepts.

Personal Projects

The personal projects I or my team created:

  • iOS Mobile Application Project
  • Android Mobile Application Project
  • Full-Stack Project -- LikeCode
  • Linux System Project
  • Parallel Computing Project
  • Python Math & Recursion Project
  • Java GUI & OOP Project

※Press the Projects button to see all of my projects.

Working Experience

Mobile Developer:

  • With over 4 years of expertise, proficiently crafted mobile (iOS and Android) applications utilizing Swift, Java, and Kotlin programming languages.
  • Demonstrated proficiency in manipulating Firebase service, including Friestore Database, Firebase Authentication, Firebase Cloud Message, etc.
  • Proficient in implementing both MVC and MVVM frameworks, with a proven track record of incorporating them into Android apps.
  • Proficient in REST principles, successfully implementing RESTful APIs in Android using Retrofit and URLSession in iOS for backend CRUD operations and communications.

Teaching Assistant:

  • Assisted professors in teaching labs with programming assignments.
  • Evaluated and graded exams, assignments, and projects.
  • Explained the subject material to students to help them understand programming concepts.
  • Provided tutoring sessions for students to teach them one-on-one when needed.

※Press the Experience button to know more


The President of Badminton Club at UAB:


  • Met with the recreation center for handling the reserved time for courts.
  • Applied for club funding with the university.
  • Attended the University Connect Fests to introduce our club to students.
  • Organized the club's social media.
  • Utilized Photoshop and Premium Pro to make club pictures and videos.

※Press the Leadership button to know more

Study Journey

In my academic progression, I initially pursued athletic endeavors with a focus on Ball Sports, majoring specifically in badminton for my undergraduate degree. Following graduation, I embarked on an immersive language study in Kyoto, Japan, dedicating over six months to the mastery of the Japanese language.

Presently, I have successfully completed my master's degree in Computer Science from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Concurrently, I have entered the professional realm as a software engineer, leveraging my academic foundation to contribute effectively to the field.


Regarding myself


With over 4 years of experience in Mobile App Development, I excel in Kotlin for Android and Swift for iOS. I am also adept at utilizing Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI for streamlined Mobile UI design.

In my professional toolkit, I leverage Firebase Cloud Messaging, Cloud Firestore, and Firebase Authentication. Utilizing Postman for API testing, while Retrofit and URLSession enable CRUD operations and backend communication in Android and iOS development, respectively.

Throughout my academic journey in UAB, I served as a Teaching Assistant for various courses, imparting valuable knowledge to numerous students and fostering a deep understanding of Computer Science concepts.

※Go Resume


  • iOS Mobile Application Project
  • Android Mobile Application Project
  • Full-Stack Project -- LikeCode
  • Linux System Project
  • Parallel Computing Project
  • Python Math & Recursion Project
  • Java GUI & OOP Project

※Go Projects


Mobile Developer:

  • With over 4 years of expertise, proficiently crafted mobile (iOS and Android) applications utilizing Swift, Java, and Kotlin programming languages.
  • Demonstrated proficiency in manipulating Firebase service, including Friestore Database, Firebase Authentication, Firebase Cloud Message, etc.
  • Proficient in implementing both MVC and MVVM frameworks, with a proven track record of incorporating them into Android apps.
  • Proficient in REST principles, successfully implementing RESTful APIs in Android using Retrofit and URLSession in iOS for backend CRUD operations and communications.

Teaching Assistant:

  • Assisted professors in teaching labs with programming assignments.
  • Evaluated and graded exams, assignments, and projects.
  • Explained the subject material to students to help them understand programming concepts.
  • Provided tutoring sessions for students to teach them one-on-one when needed.

※Go Experience


Club President:

  • Met with the recreation center for handling the reserved time for courts.
  • Applied for club funding with the university.
  • Attended the University Connect Fests to introduce our club to students.
  • Organized the club's social media.
  • Utilized Photoshop and Premium Pro to make club pictures and videos.

※Go Leadership

Study Journey

In my academic progression, I initially pursued athletic endeavors with a focus on Ball Sports, majoring specifically in badminton for my undergraduate degree. Following graduation, I embarked on an immersive language study in Kyoto, Japan, dedicating over six months to the mastery of the Japanese language.

Presently, I have successfully completed my master's degree in Computer Science from the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Concurrently, I have entered the professional realm as a software engineer, leveraging my academic foundation to contribute effectively to the field.