
Below is my working resume


Enthusiastic, diligent, and versatile individual with a solid educational background in computer sciences. Adept at working effectively in fast-paced, deadline-driven settings that demand strong organizational and analytical skills.



University of Alabama at Birmingham

Master of Computer Science
From 2020 August to 2023 August

  • GPA: 3.8/4.0



  • Java
  • Python
  • C
  • C++
  • Kotlin
  • Swift


  • Android Studio
  • Xcode
  • Cloud Firestore
  • Firebase Authentication
  • Jetpack Compose
  • SwiftUI



  • Retrofit
  • OkHttp
  • GSON
  • View Binding
  • Data Binding
  • Google Maps SDK
  • Observable State Objects
  • Navigation Controller
  • Google Material
  • Theme Builder
  • Room (SQLite)
  • Coroutines
  • Gradle
  • SharePreference


  • URLRequest
  • URLSession
  • JSONDecoder
  • State Property Wrapper
  • Binding Property Wrapper
  • MapKit
  • Environment Objects
  • AutoLayout
  • NotificationCenter
  • KVO
  • Core Data (SQLite)
  • GCD
  • CocoaPods
  • UserDefault


  • Developed reliable and high-performance code to implement features and fix bugs.
  • Analyzed techniques such as informatics, processes, and quality initiatives.
  • Implemented comprehensive automated unit tests to confirm functionality.
  • Proficient with coding tools especially Visual Studio Code, Xcode, and Android Studio.
  • Designed and implemented production-quality features on existing systems.
  • Developed and executed scripts and tools to automate common support operations.
  • Troubleshooted technical issues, including malware and virus threats, and system downtime.
  • Performed research work on problems, and recognize situations requiring intervention.
  • Planned, coordinated, and executed technical research objectives.


Algorithms Teaching Assistant | UAB CS Department
Jan 2023 – Apr 2023
  • Explained the definition of Asymptotic Notations and how to prove them.
  • Described in detail every step of Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Heap Sort, etc.
  • Illustrated the theory and coding approach of Dynamic Programming, and Data Structure.
  • Taught drawing Recursion Tree and using Maters Theorem to calculate recursion run time.
Java Teaching Assistant | UAB CS Department
Jan 2022 – Apr 2022
  • Taught Java basics including an intro to Java’s syntax, variables, data types, operators, etc.
  • OOP system design. Explained objects, classes, inheritance, polymorphism.
Python Teaching Assistant | UAB CS Department
Aug 2021 – Dec 2021
  • Taught Python basics including Python’s syntax, variables, data types, operators, etc.
  • Illustrated how to use functions, function parameters, and how to get the return values.


Android Developer | Designed an Android Japanese study app
Spring 2023 Project
  • Utilized Android Studio and wrote XML for UI design and used Kotlin for app logic.
  • Employed Retrofit to make a network request.
  • Used Room Database to store data in Android.
  • Utilized Share Preference to store small data in Android.
  • Published Android App to Google Play Console.
iOS Developer | Designed an iOS Japanese study app
Fall 2022 Project
  • Utilized Xcode and wrote SwiftUI for UI design and used Swift for app logic.
  • Employed URLRequest to make a network request.
  • Used Core Data as the database to store data in iOS.
  • Utilized User Default to store small data in iOS.
  • Published iOS App to Apple Store Connect.
Full Stack Developer | Designed a coding online IDE website
Summar 2023 Project
  • Employed HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to craft the frontend of the website.
  • Utilized the Flask framework in conjunction with an SQLAlchemy database for the website's backend.
  • Facilitated group collaboration by employing the version control system, GitHub.
  • Implemented solutions for LeetCode questions and documented them in a structured JSON format.
  • Successfully deployed the website project to a domain acquired through Google Domains.
Parallel Computing | Job Scheduler
Fall 2022 Project
  • Utilized mutex to prevent any concurrency.
  • Implemented queue data structure using linked-list to organize and keep track of jobs.
  • Utilized p_threads to allow the program to perform multithreaded workloads.
Linux System Programming | File Finder
Fall 2022 Project
  • -S: prints out the files and their attributes (permission, file size, etc).
  • -s: [file size arg] looks for files with a size no bigger than the arg provided.
  • -f: [substring] [depth] looks for files that contain the name and the depth of the traversal.


President of Badminton Club | UAB
Aug 2021 - Dec 2021
  • Created a YouTube channel and Instagram account to manage our social media.
  • Increased 24 new members in one semester, from 37 members to 61 members.
  • Used Photoshop and Premiere Pro to create videos and pictures and upload them to our social media weekly.


Below is my working resume


Enthusiastic, diligent, and versatile individual with a solid educational background in computer sciences. Adept at working effectively in fast-paced, deadline-driven settings that demand strong organizational and analytical skills.



Master of Computer Science
From 08/2020 to 08/2023

  • GPA: 3.8/4.0



  • Java
  • Python
  • C
  • C++
  • Kotlin
  • Swift


  • Android Studio
  • Xcode
  • Cloud Firestore
  • Firebase Authentication
  • Jetpack Compose
  • SwiftUI



  • Retrofit
  • OkHttp
  • GSON
  • View Binding
  • Data Binding
  • Google Maps SDK
  • Observable State Objects
  • Navigation Controller
  • Google Material
  • Theme Builder
  • Room (SQLite)
  • Coroutines
  • Gradle
  • SharePreference


  • URLRequest
  • URLSession
  • JSONDecoder
  • State Property Wrapper
  • Binding Property Wrapper
  • MapKit
  • Environment Objects
  • AutoLayout
  • NotificationCenter
  • KVO
  • Core Data (SQLite)
  • GCD
  • CocoaPods
  • UserDefault



  • Developed reliable and high-performance code to implement features and fix bugs.
  • Analyzed techniques such as informatics, processes, and quality initiatives.
  • Implemented comprehensive automated unit tests to confirm functionality.
  • Proficient with coding tools especially Visual Studio Code, Xcode, and Android Studio.
  • Designed and implemented production-quality features on existing systems.
  • Developed and executed scripts and tools to automate common support operations.
  • Troubleshooted technical issues, including malware and virus threats, and system downtime.
  • Performed research work on problems, and recognize situations requiring intervention.
  • Planned, coordinated, and executed technical research objectives.


Algorithms Teaching Assistant

UAB CS Department
Jan 2023 – Apr 2023
  • Explained the definition of Asymptotic Notations and how to prove them.
  • Described in detail every step of Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Heap Sort, etc.
  • Illustrated the theory and coding approach of Dynamic Programming, and Data Structure.
  • Taught drawing Recursion Tree and using Maters Theorem to calculate recursion run time.

Java Teaching Assistant

UAB CS Department
Jan 2022 – Apr 2022
  • Taught Java basics including an intro to Java’s syntax, variables, data types, operators, etc.
  • OOP system design. Explained objects, classes, inheritance, polymorphism.

Python Teaching Assistant

UAB CS Department
Aug 2021 – Dec 2021
  • Taught Python basics including Python’s syntax, variables, data types, operators, etc.
  • Illustrated how to use functions, function parameters, and how to get the return values.


Android Developer

Android Japanese study app
Spring 2023 Project
  • Utilized Android Studio and wrote XML for UI design and used Kotlin for app logic.
  • Employed Retrofit to make a network request.
  • Used Room Database to store data in Android.
  • Utilized Share Preference to store small data in Android.
  • Published Android App to Google Play Console.

iOS Developer

iOS Japanese study app
Fall 2022 Project
  • Utilized Xcode and wrote SwiftUI for UI design and used Swift for app logic.
  • Employed URLRequest to make a network request.
  • Used Core Data as the database to store data in iOS.
  • Utilized User Default to store small data in iOS.
  • Published iOS App to Apple Store Connect.

Full Stake Developer

Coding online IDE website
Summar 2023 Project
  • Employed HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to craft the frontend of the website.
  • Utilized the Flask framework in conjunction with an SQLAlchemy database for the website's backend.
  • Facilitated group collaboration by employing the version control system, GitHub.
  • Implemented solutions for LeetCode questions and documented them in a structured JSON format.
  • Successfully deployed the website project to a domain acquired through Google Domains.

Parallel Computing

Job Scheduler
Fall 2022 Project
  • Utilized mutex to prevent any concurrency.
  • Implemented queue data structure using linked-list to organize and keep track of jobs.
  • Utilized p_threads to allow the program to perform multithreaded workloads.

Linux System Programming

File Finder
Fall 2022 Project
  • -S: prints out the files and their attributes (permission, file size, etc).
  • -s: [file size arg] looks for files with a size no bigger than the arg provided.
  • -f: [substring] [depth] looks for files that contain the name and the depth of the traversal.


UAB Badminton Club

Aug 2021 - Dec 2021
  • Created a YouTube channel and Instagram account to manage our social media.
  • Increased 24 new members in one semester, from 37 members to 61 members.
  • Used Photoshop and Premiere Pro to create videos and pictures and upload them to our social media weekly.